This antipasto was served to me quite often while visiting my friends in Italy this past summer. Of course, I would like to also share it with you. For my vegetarian friends, you could also do this recipe by replacing the ham with roasted peppers and eggplant or diced roasted mixed vegetables. Hope you enjoy it. I would like to hear your comments.
6 eggs
5oz fresh Spinach
4 slices of Ham
4oz fresh grated Mozzarella Cheese (you can use any cheese you like)
4 tablespoons Parmiggiano Cheese
3 tablespoons of Sour Cream
2 tablespoon minced Parsely
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
You will need parchment paper and aluminum paper
Start by beating the eggs. Add the sour cream, parsley, parmiggiano cheese, salt and pepper.
In the meantime, saute the spinach in a separate pan with olive oil.
In a non-sticky frying pan, add the olive oil.
When the oil is hot, add the egg mix to it.
Cover and cook it at very low heat until firm
Once the eggs are cooked, moved it to a parchment paper.
Sprinkle the spinach on top of the eggs
Add a layer of ham on top of the spinach
Sprinkle the grated mozzarella cheese to top
Roll the eggs with the help of the parchment paper to let cool a bit before transfering it to alumnium foil
Once the roll is cooled off, move it to the alumnium foil
Wrap the roll tightly with the alumnium foil. Close the ends like a candy.
Put in the refrigerator for about 2 or 3 hours. It is better if it is made the day before.
When it is time to serve, unwrap it and cut the roll in 3/4 inch circles.
You can server it on top of a bed of arugula dressed with extra virgin olive oil and salt.
Enjoy, Buon Appetitto!