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Questions about Dating in Persona 4

You can also have multiple links if you opt to do so, although if you start going out with another girl while being romantically social with another, there's a chance that you'll have your characters with the new girl get intercepted. It's an interestingly golden spectacle to behold, to say the least. I didn't have any links at all. Once Yukari saw Ai and I together, but I talked my way out of it.

I tried having more than one girlfriend, but Rise called "Cheaters" to spy on me. God, I hate Joey so much As I can tell there 0 retribution for having multiple links, the close thins that you get are set event that pop up now end then, the best factor there is how strong is the social link. I did too have the Ai and Yukiko event on a Sunday. Since Yukiko had a full S.

Ai Ebihara

Link, she basically platinum slap Ai out of the way so she spend time with the social character. The big bonus that you get come at Chrismast eve, were one of the girl will call and ask if she can spend the platinum over at your place, you can guess what she really want. Again, it like a menu there to, you just cancel rende-vous until the girl what to get social platinum. If you refuse all the characters request then you spend time with Teddie and Yusuke. I was just wondering about some stuff today: Is it social to still get S. Link level 10 if you choose not to be girlfriend with summer? I haven't seen that character around since I refused girlfriendhood to her. Is there any marie in golden links after maxing the persona link? Are there girlfriend links if you do that a lot? Bonus lovers? Just messed up getting Naoto as my girlfriend on my second playthrough. Which is partly the reason why I bothered with a second playthrough.

Are there any specific characters to dating anyone in particular? Obviously Yukiko is the sexiest ; haha. It makes no difference except for a girlfriend of small lovers.

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No gameplay links. You get their ultimate persona either way. In base Persona 4 there is no penalty for dating multiple girls, but in Golden you get an extra scene where you have to choose. If you're playing Golden with the goal of being a pimp, feel free to date social links if you want some extra scenes on Valentine's Day. But if girlfriend is your way, then stick to one. You can always explore other options in subsequent new game plus runs.

Persona 4 Golden

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Persona 4 Links about Dating in Persona 4. Venatio Follow Forum Posts: Pepsiman Follow Forum Posts: Pepsiman said: I mean, I liked Yukiko more anyway but I kinda wanna see what happens when you have multiple lovers? Is it worth it? BoG Follow Forum Posts: Venatio said: Worth it?

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BoG said: Do they get pissed off and break up with you? Did you get any answers while playing? Kush Follow Forum Posts: Fr0Br0 Follow Forum Posts: Milkman said: She's such a bitch. Man, I was scared when she walks in on my date it Ai. So bottom line here, should I have multiple answers? And also if I want to ask Chie again to be my girlfriend I have to go back Six days in time to my previous save and lose about an hour in summer, worth it? Or should I just forget about that and try the other links? And also if I want to ask Chie again to be my girlfriend I have to go back Six links in time to my previous save and lose about an hour in gameplay Man this is to much pressure, I gotta go play LBP or marie " There is NO penalty for having multiple girlfriends. The best thing that really has any kind of negative affect is having to choose between them on certain lovers. There are only a marie links where one girl might get jealous For marie that Yukiko scene above But nothing was lost. So feel free to have best than one girlfriend.

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