Flat Focaccia alle Olive Verdi

December 28, 2009 | In: Bread

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Flat Focaccia Bread with Green Olives


2 oz. cake yeast

18 oz. all purpose flour

1 cup water

7 oz.  green olives chopped

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2tsp salt

1 tbsp dry oregano


 In a mixing bowl, melt the cake yeast in warm water and add oil.   Add  flour to the cake yeast mixture.  Add salt, pepper, oregano and olives.  Mix well for approximately 10 minutes.   The consistency should be somewhat sticky.   Cover the mixing bowl with clear plastic wrap.  Let the size of the dough double, approximately 2 hours. 

After the dough has doubled , divide  it in half.  Grease a sheet pan (cookie sheet or pizza pan) with extra virgin olive oil.  Press dough in the sheet pan, stretching consistently until it fits all corners of the pan.   Be patient, as the dough will shrink.    Continue to press dough until it evenly meets all corners of the sheet pan.   Repeat the same process in a second sheet pan with the second ball of dough.   Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with alt.  

Bake at 400F for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  

Enjoy…. Buon Appetito!

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